Saturday, 15 September 2012


Time is the balance in our account given by God. Largly, its given equal to everyone. However, your peace of mind will depend entirly, on how well you use your time.Some people, use it very smartly to achieve what they want in life and are entirly focused, on that.Some people waste their whole life living a routine life or figuring out, what do theywant to do with thier lives.Time is running and reducing every moment.there is no buy back, so, use it wisely and constructivly.


Silence  is very powerful.It can be costructive or destructive.Silence is stillness. Silence can be noisy also, at times.Spare some time to remain silent during the day. Spend time with yourself. Spend time alone, with no one around you. Allow your mind and body some rest, more importatntly your mind. Its very essential for your peace and Happiness.Silence is beautiful, at times, If you observe carefully. Silence is the best medicine we need now a days in our chaotic life.It is the need of Hour.We can not spend our life time in solitude, But Silence is an integral force, we all need to combat problems.